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Recent developments in Turkey

2019 has been an active year in the field of adult education in Turkey. İŞKUR General Directorate (Turkish Employment Office), which is responsible for the development of national occupational standards, has continued financing adult education providers and various projects in adult education to maintain their Active Labour Programmes. Other governmental bodies, such as the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, etc. offer training activities and programmes, created with the cooperation of the Ministry of National Education and other relevant institutions.

National Occupational Standards published courses and programmes, approved by the BOE Education Programmes in accordance with national and international vocational training standards in the Official Gazette, and the activities are carried out within the scope of adult education in Turkey (GDoLLL 2017 Monitoring Report).

At the moment, a new strategy for education, Lifelong Learning Strategy Paper 2019-2023, is being drafted. The core focuses of the new strategy will be:

1. Strengthening human, financial, physical and technological capacities in the field of lifelong learning and improving the quality of education;

2. Increasing accessibility to lifelong learning opportunities and services, and providing valid and reliable certification;

3. Strengthening the lifelong learning monitoring and evaluation system.